Ah, Cumbria. Famous for its lakes, mountains, Grasmere gingerbread and Cumberland sausages. A UNESCO world heritage site and place that celebrities come to holiday (oh, hi, Henry Cavill) and above all, home to many of us.
For Valentine’s 2021, we wanted to celebrate by asking you, what do you love about Cumbria? Be it the scenery, your school or place of work, the animals or even XL Cheese crisps. Whatever you had in mind, we wanted to hear it.
So without further ado, let’s get into the reasons you guys love Cumbria…
"The views, you don’t even need to leave like the towns really to find a nice view of the hills" - thisisbirdseed
"Cleator Moor"- milesoftheedwardsvariety
"We have Xl Cheese" - milesoftheedwardsvariety
"Wasdale ngl best thing" - avalofthouse_
"It has the best tap water" - simonearmstrongmusic
"Love the scenery here" - joseph_l_b
"You have access to the beach/ocean, mountains, forests, fields and lakes all at once!" -luceay
"Hartley’s" – Elfrododo
"Everything is at your doorstep, you can walk out your door, go to a lake, a mountain or spend the day shopping" - Anon
"Kie Park" - luceay
"All the chippies and delicious takeaways and the views when driving" - benwhohasjamin
"My friends" - mylescarver4
There we have it! A sweet little love letter detailing some of the reasons you guys love Cumbria.
This Valentine's Day, we also want to encourage everyone to take care of each other and be grateful for what we do have during these uncertain times, we may not be able to go out and live our lives normally, but we can still enjoy the small things and appreciate the place we live and the people around us.
Make sure to follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for more regular posts and content celebrating Cumbria. We're also on Spotify and YouTube!