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Quirky Christmas Traditions

Writer's picture: Joshua Murphy Joshua Murphy

Each year Christmas is celebrated differently by different people. With so many cultures and interpretations of Christmas, this holiday means something different to everyone.

The best part of this is that everybody has new and exciting traditions that form part of their happy holidays.

To highlight the difference in different people's tradition's, we chatted as a team to tell you all about our quirky Christmas traditions!

Dave, Soundwave and Hollr Director: “We’ve got a massive ‘where's Santa’ book. It’s like Where's Wally but Xmas stuff. It’s with the decorations, so when they come out so does the book. It was for the kids but they’ve grown up and aren’t arsed with it but I still love it. I do it on my own for ages.”

Emma, Soundwave and Hollr project Coordinator: “Just before Christmas I always have Christmas sandwiches with my family! We all get together and have them. Cranberry, turkey, stuffing - the works!”

Tracy, Soundwave and Hollr's Finance Manager: “Xmas eve our friends have always come round to ours, before we had kids there was lots of food and drink, then the kids came! Friends still came round and we have a games night. Games got better and more competitive as the kids got older. Kids not kids anymore but still enjoy games night and we’ve done the escape room twice now.”

Lucy, Hollr's Editor: “Every Christmas eve we watch It’s a Wonderful Life in the evening - We’ve been doing it since forever, and we also always have our Christmas dinner at 11 o’clock in the morning! We’ve also had the same plastic Christmas tree since we were babies and me and my brother have signed the Christmas tree box every year since we were like 5 and 8 years old! No clue why we started doing it, but we do and we’ll keep on doing it.”

Joseph, Social Media Assistant: “Usually for Christmas eve, me and my family go out and visit other family members and afterwards have a party-food style meal. On Christmas we usually open presents in the morning and then have people round the house for dinner.”

Xanthe, Content Creator: “So one of my family's Christmas traditions is putting a barbie on top of the tree instead of an angel or star! We change her outfit every year so she’s looking fresh and fancy!”

Jack, Sports Correspondent: “Think the only one I have is having a cup of tea before I open my presents hahaha.”

Ellie, Content Creator: “Our Christmas tradition is having family/friends game night on Christmas night.”

Josh, Content Creator: “Christmas is massive in my family! Every year we have a little town diorama called Twinkly Down. We also have two Christmas trees, my mums and my dads which get decorated differently. Lastly, when me and my brothers were younger we always used to watch the original black and white A Christmas Carol. However, I would always fall asleep as soon as the church bells rang which has become a bit of an inside joke in my family hahaha!”

Calvin, Videographer: “I don’t really have a Christmas tradition as such but more of a birthday tradition because my birthday is the 27th, I’ve never had to actually organise any birthday plans, I just go out on Boxing Day and literally everybody in Whitehaven is already out.. I suppose the actual tradition part is that my friends will always be ready at midnight in Spoons with a tray of shots hahaha.”

Do you have a quirky Christmas tradition? Let us know in the comments below!

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